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Buda and his
best girlfriend Milli on their daily run
Multiple BISS, Select, Multiple V1
CH Golt's Bababuda of Winns Hill CGC
Registration Number: WP7133810
DOB: May 26, 1996
DNA Number: V91456

US #3 and working his way up:
- Finished breeder/owner handled from the
breed by
class at 22 months
- SG1 Housatonic Rottweiler Club-FCI Judge Henryk
- BOB over specials from bread by CT working group
Ass. AKC Judge Dr. Sam Burke Jr.
- BOS Cardina Rottweiler Club Specialty AKC Judge
Dr. Anthony DiNardo
- Award of Merit-Westminster KC AKC Judge Ms.
Barbara Heller
- V1 Long Island Working Rottweilers. UK breeder
Judge Mr. Pat Bryant
- SELECT American Rottweiler Club National
Specialty AKC Judge Mr. john Connoly
- BISS ARC Specialty Lima, Ohio AKC breeder Judge
Ms. Karen L. Sims
- BOS CRC Supported Entry AKC breeder Judge Mrs.
Wanda V. Spediacci
- V1 Canadian Nationals Sovereign Rottweiler Club
ADRK Breeder Judge Mr. Anton Spindler
Handled and conditioned
Khalid A Karriem |
PO Box 380 |
Sasssanausville, PA
19472 |
Tel: 610 754-9262 |
e-mail: |
Breeeder / Owner:
Rick & Eddy Golt |
Winns Hill Box 1100
RR2 |
Sweden, ME 04040 |
Tel: 207 647-8880 |
E-mail: |
Buda is the ideal height according to the official
Rottweiler standard: "Dogs 24" to 27" with preferred size
mid range." FCI considers 25 ½" tall -ideal- highest rating.
From one litter, three of his are already
pointed from the 6-9 mouth class.
Come and see the Ideal!

Buda, now 7 years old
- enjoying retirement